inland climate meaning in Chinese
- Ninan is a dry region in the inner part of china and located at the northwestern part of loess plateau . it belongs to inland climate , consists semi - moist area with drought stress , semi - arid area and semi - arid area with drought tendency
宁南旱区位于我国内陆腹地,地处黄土高原西北端,为典型的内陆气候,分为半湿润偏旱、半干旱、半干旱偏旱三个类型区,以半干旱区为主体。 - Due to the inland climate , which is featured with less rainfall and strong evaporation , it becomes critical how to rationally allocate the scarce water resources between the ecological environment maintenance and economic expansion in gansu province , however , as an inevitable trend , the balance of water resources allocation has to find the way by reducing irrigation utilization of water without harming sustainability of agricultural development